Thursday, December 29, 2016

Goodbye 2016..

I mentioned in my last post that I had been sick for two weeks. Well two weeks turned into a month and a half. I bit the bullet and finally went to see my doctor after huffing, puffing, and wheezing through my runs, teaching classes, and walking up stairs. Enough was enough. My doctor took one listen to my lungs and told me I had pneumonia and a bad sinus infection! Say again!? So flashing forward after two rounds of steriods, antibiotics, and a week of cough syrup I was feeling somewhat "normal" again. Just in time for the end of the year chaos. My daughter had a zillion events planned.. Literally a zillion! And my son decided to sneak in one last cold virus of 2016 just to keep me on my toes. My husband's job decided "hey guess what? We are selling you guys" leaving us to question will we be able to afford our brand new home and two private schools? Who knows! Meanwhile, I managed to successfully wrap up a wonderful semester of teaching 2 courses and after taking a 10 month hiatus from being on the bike, I returned to the front of the spin class at my dear friend's brand new studio. Good news right?!
2016 was brutal.. Down right ugly. True, we sold a home and bought an upgrade to accommodate our growing "stuff", my daughter had a very successful first semester of first grade and we learned she is extremely bright. However, she is still a smart mouthed, moody, 6 yr old that just wants her space and more shopkins (they are a horrible phneomenon). My son ... God love him. My sweet sweet boy has turned into THAT TWO YEAR OLD. The two year old that throws things, that will tackle you, that will scream NOOOOOO, but mean yes (I'm tired or yes I am hungry) and cry and cry and cry. But is so darn cute that we forget in minuets that he is terrible. And my husband, dealing with his own personal struggles and me.. Anxiety, lonliness, clueless, exhausted, sometimes down right miserable still finding time to run. Run to escape, running to live, running to think, running to be me. I need that.. The run. The workout, the tiredness and soreness, the process.
I'm looking forward to 2017. I never liked change, but I live in a house with growing humans in constant change and find myself secretly wishing "when is this ___ going to end? When is she/he going to change their ___?"
So goodbye 2016.. You kinda sucked, but yes the cliche is true.. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" and I am so so so much stronger than I was.
Happy New Year!

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