Thursday, November 17, 2016

Bad case of the Monday's..

Ughhhhh... This look on my face is exactly how I've been feeling for about two weeks or so.. So much not so good stuff has been spiraling down and out of control. It started with the 2016 election and my extreme disappointment in the results. It was a painful and sad couple days for me. I felt depleted of energy and motivation. My workouts and my runs truly suffered. I managed to barely get 10 miles for the whole week when I'm used to logging close to 20 or 25 when I'm not in training. I struggled to teach my classes and my students could definitely tell and see my sadness. At the end of last week I felt sick, literally. Sore throat, stuffy nose, headache, the works. I was sick all weekend and still recovering but yet still trying to run and teach even though I could hardly talk due to the laryngitis. My kids came down with colds and their colds turned into asthma flares. I know my husband means well, but when it comes to caretaking he is a chicken with his head cut off and leaving me to still accomplish all the house and (sick) kid goals. But I'm a mom, I do it all, right?
Usually my son is home with me on Monday's but my daughter was so ill that I kept her home too. It was a long day. I felt like crap. Children don't care if You're sick and their demands are always more important. It was an incredibly bad case of the Monday's.
Just to add to the mess and not something I usually talk or write about is my anxiety. I have general anxiety disorder. I developed it in my twenties. I go through periods of stability and calm and bouts of horrific and unexplainable fear and anxiety. Lately, my highway anxiety has been on the rise. Leaving me feeling hopeless and disappointed in myself. There are still certain areas of highway I can drive but some I absolutely can't and so I take alternative routes which add time and stress of being in a car. Pittsburgh is a crazy city with twists and turns. I find it overwhelming when I'm not driving! I know that it will pass and ill go back to cruising carelessly again and not intensely death gripping the steering wheel. I also know that my sick kids will get better and so will I. Lastly, although I am heartbroken with the election results, I know I am surrounded by amazing and empowering women everyday and I will be alive (God willing) to witness a woman at the Head of State one day. More importantly I will continue to teach my daughter (and my son) the values and morals that will make them good people in our diverse society... So here's to Monday's for giving me the perspective.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Inner self, outer self..

I don't consider myself as someone who LOVES Halloween. I remember definitely enjoying it as a kid, but as a grumpy and tired adult I am unmotivated to make the effort. Since having kids, I've found my enjoyment for dressing up in something ridiculous for a couple hours to be returning. My kids have so much fun at Halloween! They would wear costumes everyday all day if they could. I've made the excuse to not join in the festivities by saying "well, I'm just going to be myself because everyday I'm someone different anyway". This year, I threw on a pair of mini mouse ears per request of my son who loves mini mouse so that we could attend my daughter's fall fest costume school party. Easy enough, it was basically a head band. But while strolling through Walgreens one more time to grab extra candy I spotted a very simple "nerd" costume. Bingo! Glasses, a bowtie, and suspenders. Done! I thought of how this simple costume is somewhat reflective of who I am underneath the athlete, the instructor, the wife, and mother. I'm so not cool. Lol! Truly, I enjoy staying home watching Golden Girls or reading a book. When I'm not dressing to teach in front of college kids or being social at my kid's fancy schools I'm seriously wearing mix matched everything and layered! Yes yes .. The argument of "just be who you are all the time blah blah". Seriously how realistic is that? I like all my many "faces" that I wear. It allows me to constantly embrace change within myself. When I'm at home with no kids or husband around its so nice to relax and take a moment to just chill and be me. So this Halloween was a good one because my inner self was finally feeling cool 😎..